The cleaning estimate below may not be your exact cost for your cleaning. These costs are based off of 2000 square feet or less of cleanable carpeting. A final estimate will also be given on the phone or on site before your cleaning. If you require anything extra such as pet enzyme treatments or carpet protector, please give us a call and we are happy to provide a free estimate over the phone. There is a $100 minimum charge for any home or business. 

    How many carpeted rooms do you have?
  • Walk in closets and hallways are a bit more, please let us know if those need cleaning as well.
  • Great Rooms count as two rooms
  • Do you have carpeted stairs that need to be cleaned?
  • $0.00

Call and schedule this NOW and receive either a Free Hallway or Master Closet, or A free add-on of Carpet Protector.